Meeting took place at SRON, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Nikos Daskalakis (EPCL)
An update from Crete
Jason WIlliams (KNMI)
Evaluating the performance of online photolysis
Vincent Huijnen and Michiel van Weele (KNMI)
TM5-IFS assimilation and forecast experiments:
the Russian forest fires and other applications
Maarten Krol (IMAU/WUR/SRON)
ALANIS: characterising emissions from boreal fires
Matteo Corazza (JRC)
N2O inversions over Europe
Peter Bergamaschi (JRC)
Inverse modelling of European and global CH4 emissions
Wouter Peters (WUR)
Carbon Tracker update
Sander Houweling (SRON)
CH4 TM5 4DVAR and Transport
Arjo Segers (JRC)
4DVAR temporal resolution
Arjo Segers (JRC)
Update on meteo format
Arjo Segers (JRC)
4DVAR speedup