Meeting took place at IMAU, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Dirk Olvie
Vertical diffusion coefficients from ERA-40
Jan Fokke Meirink
Emission preprocessor
Frans Alkemade
Coupling ECHAM5 to TM5 within the PRISM-framework
Twan van Noije
ERA40 in RETRO: REanalysis of the TROpospheric chemical composition over the past 40 years
Jason Williams
Jason Williams
PSC formation and transport within TM5
Frank Dentener
First Evaluation of tropospheric Ozone in TM5
Frank Dentener
Fast mixing in BL TM5
Peter Bergamaschi
Inverse modelling of national and European CH4 emissions using the zoom model TM5
Maarten Krol
The two-way nested global chemistry-transport zoom model TM5: Algorithm and Applications - ACPD paper
Maarten Krol
Modeling the global Aerosol distribution with TM5
Wouter Peters
Towards regional scale inversion using a two-way nested global model: Characterisation of transport using SF6
Elisabetta Vignati
Aerosol concentrations over Europe
Elisabetta Vignati
TM5 model management web site