Meeting took place at IMAU, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Jason Williams
Online photolysis for instances of low sun in TM5
Wouter Peters
Peter Bergamaschi
CH4 from SCIAMACHY comparison with inverse
model simulations
Frank Dentener
Nitrogen deposition on regional and global scales: a
multi-model evaluation
Maarten Krol
Influence boundary conditions on ozone simulations over
Bruno Guillome
Wet deposition of carbonaceous aerosols
Elisabetta Vignati
Sea salt emission function
Jeroen Kuenen
Relating NO2 columns to NOx emissions in China using zoom
model TM5
Bram Bregman
Work done in Toronto
Arjo Segers
Base-beta2 and other things you don't want to hear
Jos de Laat
SCIAMACHY CO total columns: evaluation with TM4
Sander Houweling
CH4 over the tropics: New evidence
Jan Fokke Meirink
Deriving methane emissions from SCIAMACHY-ENVISAT observations
Maria Kanakidou
Global modelling of secondary organic aerosols - natural
versus anthropogenic impacts