Meeting took place at JRC, Ispra, Italy
John van Aardenne
Overview emission work at JRC
Cathy Liousse
Emission inventory for gases and particles from fossil and biofuel combustion
Elisabetta Vignati
Aerosol modelling with TM5
Bruno Guillaume
Sensitivity analysis with ORISAM-TM4
Matthias Karl
Formation of biogenic SOA in TM5
Maria Kanakidou
NOx dependence of SOA yields in TM3
Stelios Myriokefalitakis
TM4-ECPL with alternative HC chemistry
Elina Marmer
HTAP and MAP modelling
Jason Williams
Development and testing of TM5 strat-trop version
Frank Dentener
Bug report reduced grid formulation
Rita van Dingenen
TM5 global hourly ozone fields: validation and application for impact assessment
Bram Bregman
TNO work / TM5 tracer runs
Arjo Segers
Progress on high-resolution version / Towards advection on reduced grid
Andy Jacobson
TM5 activities at NOAA/ESRL
Peter Bergamaschi
4D-Var system for inverse modelling
Gabriella Villani
Synthetic experiments with 4D-Var
Jan Fokke Meirink
4D-Var: comparison with synthesis inversion and posterior error analysis
Maarten Krol
14CO, OH optimization