#page-content {max-width: 1920px !important;} Assimilation of IASI data over Africa | TM5 | Maarten Krol

Assimilation of IASI data over Africa

These movies show the results of a 4DVAR data-assimilation of IASI CO columns (along with surface CO observations of NOAA) over Africa. The focus is on optimizing the Biomass Burning emissions. These are optimized on a 3-daily timescale on a 1x1 degree resolution over Africa. On the left-hand side of the movies the IASI measurements and the TM5 model results are shown. The “error” on IASI observations is shown in the upper right panel. These errors are larger over water surfaces. The remaining discrepancies, in “sigma” scale (deviations divided by the IASI error) are shown in the bottom-right plot. In the case of well-reprodused IASI observations, green values should prevail. Click on sub panels for all months in 2010-2011

  © Maarten Krol 2018