The 19th International TM5 Meeting took place on 25-26 April 2013 at Wageningen University.
Model overview (Folkert Boersma, KNMI, Chair)
Maarten Krol (WUR)
Michiel van Weele (KNMI)
Sourish Basu (IMAU)
Maarten Krol/Folkert Boersma
Proposal for TM5 Steering Committee and Development Team
Model infrastructure and new developments (Wouter Peters, WUR, Chair)
Philippe Le Sager (KNMI)
Sander Houweling (SRON)
SF6 and CH4 simulations in TM5-online
Emma van der Veen (WUR)
Optimizing transport properties of TM5 using SF6
Ingrid van der Laan-Luijkx (WUR)
Cautionary notes on the use of the TM5 reduced grid
Aerosols and chemistry (Peter Bergamaschi, JRC, Chair)
Twan van Noije (KNMI)
Climate change impacts on atmospheric chemistry in EC-Earth driven simulations
Narcisa Banda (UU/KNMI)
Modelling the Pinatubo aerosols
Vincent Huijnen (KNMI)
Impact of heterogeneous uptake parameterization on tropospheric chemistry in C-IFS
Maria Kanakidou (VIDEO, U. Crete)
Atmospheric deposition simulations with TM4-ECPL model
Maarten Krol (WUR/IMAU/SRON)
Atmospheric Lifetime Experiments: setup and intercomparison
Greenhouse gas inversions (Twan van Noije, KNMI, Chair)
Peter Bergamaschi (JRC)
MACC-II pre-operational CH4 inversions: transition from SCIAMACHY to GOSAT
Aki Koyama (FMI)
TM5 for CTE methane: comparison of primary result to observations in Finland
Sourish Basu (SRON)
Verifying GOSAT XCO2 anomalies over Asia with IASI XCO
Air pollution and satellite applications (Sander Houweling, SRON, Chair)
Clifford Chuwah (KNMI)
Implications of alternative assumptions regarding future air pollution control in RCP-like scenarios
Patricia Castellanos (VU)
Characterizing fire emissions using satellite observations of CO and NO2
Bram Maasakkers (TU/e, KNMI)
Willem Verstraeten (KNMI, TU/e)
Rapid increases in tropospheric O3 observed from TES and diagnosed with TM5